Friday, November 28, 2014


Wven when we make mistakes
We fallon our face
Or lose the race
God still loves us
And we give him praise
We live for him and
He gives us life
The biggest mistake
Washed away by the biggest sacrifice
Thanks to one man
And his perfect life
Blood was shed to dry the tears
Only to create more
This time of joy
And of thanks
Praise be to Jesus
For the truest act of love
Even when we think
I'm not worth it
God knows you are
That's all there is now
We never know when this story will end
So just be sure to know
Deep down in your heart
Jesus loves you
And you are forgiven

The War Within

I'm so confused by you
You never seem to make any sense
It's only truth for a while
Then you're changed
Like the scent of the wind
Its all your girl
But is it?
I can't tell if its true
I would say yes
But you say no
I pretty much give up on you
It's never clear to you
The way I feel so deeply for you
So just be
But over there
Thats all I have left to say
If you dont like it
This pain
Next time dont lie
I thought not
Please dont take the rain when you leave
I prefer to be in it
These tears blend in and I claim unconsciousness
Hopefully it stays with you
This attitude of pride
Because its all I can remember of you
Everything I hated to love about you
Read your own words
Take a step back and see the hurt you inflict
Please stop trying to impress me
Im not blind anymore
Im so unenthused
So little truth in this wound
Dont flatter yourself 
I cant handle your pride 
I know I'm off key
I cant fix these things
Just be in your perfect denial
I'll be in Jesus love
Where I know you wont be to hurt me
You're welcome
But you're so not
Good because I do not need your help
Or do I?
Forget this
Like legit

**Circa 2010

Because I said so

I enjoy writing, Chinese food, social media, babies, oreos, swiss chocolate, COFFEE, marine life, rain, and Gilmore Girls. Completely Obsessed with Jesus, band boys, anything vintage or gold, and hardcore head-banging music.  I'm Fascinated by tattoos and dreadlocks but would never get either one.  I love to laugh and I'm equally easy to entertain or confuse.  I'm laid back with more patience for people than technology.  I never sleep, which makes me even more crazy and confused than necessary.  I take way too many pictures of myself and I prefer to only buy things on sale.  My older brother is my best friend, I trust him more than anyone else on earth.  My nick name is Nana, which I like a lot better than Hannah Banana or Hannah Montana. I hate being treated like a child and I hate being told to "live my life" before I get married because whats the point of that without someone by my side?  I firmly believe that I do in fact understand now that I'm older and regret being infuriated by that when I was younger.  I don't "rebel" because I have the coolest most understanding parents who raised me right from the start.  I'm not smart but I sometimes fake it.   I google the most random nonsense and clearly like talking about myself.  None of my friends live near me, so thats a bummer, but somehow I survive.  I'm more desperate for a boyfriend than necessary and I cant wait to have a family of my own.  Concerts are my happy place, did I mention my adoration of band boys?!.. Yeah.. That. I don't believe atheists or boring people actually exist.  I'm not as innocent as people presume upon meeting me, I'm also not perfect, at all, and I'm also quite annoying.  I think people are lovely and that everyone has a story and reason they are the way that they are.  It's strange but I love myself the way that I am and I wont change just to fit in.  I attend cosmetology school not because "doing hair" is my dream but because providing for myself is.  I know people love me but its still a wonderful feeling to be reminded of it.  My goal in life is to spread the love of Christ everywhere and to do so in the most extravagant, beautiful fashion possible.